What is a CIPP lining in pipe repair and rehab

What is a CIPP lining in pipe repair and rehab

CIPP, which stands for Cured-In-Place Pipe, is a trenchless technology used for repairing and rehabilitating underground sewer and water pipelines without the need for traditional excavation methods. CIPP lining is a specific process within CIPP technology. Here's how...

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What does it mean to be NASSCO Certified

What does it mean to be NASSCO Certified

Being NASSCO Certified means that an individual or organization has met the certification requirements and standards established by the National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO), a professional association focused on advancing the quality and acceptance...

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How is smoke used for inspecting underground pipes

How is smoke used for inspecting underground pipes

Smoke testing is a method used to identify leaks, defects, and other issues in underground pipes, particularly sewer and sanitary systems. It involves introducing a controlled, non-toxic smoke into the pipes and then observing where the smoke emerges, revealing...

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